1. Title of Special Session;
2. Name of proposer(s);
3. Email of the main contact person;
4. Short one-paragraph biographies of the proposers;
5. Brief description of the topic and motivation, highlighting the novelty/impact and timeliness of the topic.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the quality of the proposal, timeliness and potential impact of the topic, as well as on the track record of the proposers and topics of the contributed papers. Papers submitted for special sessions will be peer-reviewed and published in the same way as submissions to the regular sessions.
● Tianqing Zhu (Tianqing.Zhu@uts.edu.au), University of Technology Sydney, Australia
● Shirui Pan (Shirui.Pan@monash.edu), Monash University, Australia
● Jia Wu (jia.wu@mq.edu.au), Macquarie University, Australia