● Title and aim of the workshop.
● Call for contributions, containing a brief introduction and list of relevant topic areas.
● A preliminary workshop format and a proposed schedule for organizing the workshop, including desired length for the workshop (0.5-day, 1-day, 1.5-day or 2-day). Please indicate if you intend to have any activities other than contributed talks (e.g., invited talks, panels, or posters).
● Willingness of online workshop organization.
● Brief CVs of organizing committee members.
● If available, a list of potential speakers including their brief resumes.
● Note that papers or abstracts accepted at a workshop will not be published in the AI 2021 main proceedings. Please indicate if you seek an independent publication option such as a post-event special issue in a journal.
● Submit your workshop proposal per email to the AI 2021 Workshop Co-Chairs by the deadline 1 September 2021.
● Lina Yao (lina.yao@unsw.edu.au), The University of New South Wales, Australia
● Marcus Hutter (marcus.hutter@anu.edu.au), DeepMind, London, UK
● Stephan Chalup (stephan.chalup@newcastle.edu.au), The University of Newcastle, Australia